Tagged: vancouver island

MILUG Member Displays at the LEGO House

MILUG member Mike Sinclair first displayed his custom creation titled Gingy’s Revenge at BrickCan, a LEGO exhibition at the River Rock Casino in Richmond BC last Spring where it won an award for best...

MILUG Meetup: October 4, 2023

Our monthly AFOL (Adult Fans of LEGO®) meet-up is the first Wednesday of every month (we may be doing the odd Saturday in the future). We will be meeting Wednesday October 4, 2023 from 7:00pm to...

MILUG Meetup: July 5, 2023

Our monthly AFOL (Adult Fans of LEGO®) meet-up is the first Wednesday of every month (we may be doing the odd Saturday in the future). We will be meeting Wednesday July 5, 2023 from 7:00pm to...

Supporting Charity at Curious Comicon

MILUG participated in Curious Comicon on May 6, 2023 at Country Club Centre to help raise money for the Nanaimo Child Development Centre. This is a fantastic free event for families and individuals with...

MILUG Goes Big at VIEX!

Numerous format changes to the Vancouver Island Exhibition (VIEX) during the pandemic meant a virtual event in 2020 and no Home Arts component in 2021. So MILUG was excited to be back at the...


Mid Island AFOL Meetup: Wednesday August 1st

Our monthly meet-up is this Wednesday! This is an open event for anyone 19yrs+ interested in LEGO. Any fan of LEGO is welcome whether you collect sets, build sets or build your own creations. Come...

MosaiCon 2016 – Our First Local Convention!

MILUG has had a busy September! In addition to our largest meet-up at the beginning of the month where we gained a couple of new members, we also participated in MosaiCon held at the...