Category: Public Events

MILUG Meetup: June 7, 2023

Our monthly AFOL (Adult Fans of LEGO®) meet-up is the first Wednesday of every month (we may be doing the odd Saturday in the future). We will be meeting Wednesday June 7, 2023 from 7:00pm to...

Supporting Charity at Curious Comicon

MILUG participated in Curious Comicon on May 6, 2023 at Country Club Centre to help raise money for the Nanaimo Child Development Centre. This is a fantastic free event for families and individuals with...

Rainy Day Success at the Train Show!

Author: Peter Trotter (MILUG member) MILUG was at this year’s Nanaimo Model Railroad Show show on April 2nd 2023 from 10am till 4pm at the Beban Park Recreation Centre. As per previous years, the focus...

MILUG Meetup: April 5, 2023

Our monthly AFOL (Adult Fans of LEGO®) meet-up is the first Wednesday of every month (we may be doing the odd Saturday in the future). We will be meeting Wednesday April 5, 2023 from 7:00pm to...

MILUG Meetup: March 1, 2023

Our monthly AFOL (Adult Fans of LEGO®) meet-up is the first Wednesday of every month (we may be doing the odd Saturday in the future). We will be meeting Wednesday March 1, 2023 from 7:00pm to...

Build a Gift to Give a Gift

Last month, MILUG members participated in the LEGO® #BuildtoGive Campaign, with the tagline, “build a gift to give a gift”. For every LEGO® gift built and shared on social media with #BuildtoGive, the LEGO®...

MILUG Meetup: Feb 1, 2023

Our monthly AFOL (Adult Fans of LEGO®) meet-up is the first Wednesday of every month (we may be doing the odd Saturday in the future). We will be meeting Wednesday February 1, 2023 from 7:00pm to...

Christmas Village at the Christmas Market

After a couple of years hiatus due to COVID-19, MILUG was back at the Christmas Market at Dover Bay Secondary. This is a wonderful family-oriented market and we were happy that they were back...