Mid Island AFOL Meet-up: July 6th
It’s time for our second social event for Adult Fans of LEGO (AFOLs)! Come share your MOC (My Own Creation), bring some LEGO to build with, or join in a game of LEGO Catan created...
It’s time for our second social event for Adult Fans of LEGO (AFOLs)! Come share your MOC (My Own Creation), bring some LEGO to build with, or join in a game of LEGO Catan created...
We are organizing a small social event for any adult fans of Lego who wish to attend. Come join us for a drink and a bite, and we can talk about Lego! There’s no...
Everything is awesome! That became the motto of BrickCan 2016. And everything was indeed awesome. Over 200 AFOLs from as far as Germany and Hong Kong convened at the River Rock Casino in Richmond...
On Sunday May 1st members of MILUG attended Victoria’s Ultimate Hobby & Toy Fair, making it our first public event since we formed the LUG only 1 week earlier. We were kindly invited by...